How To Help
How FIP Sponsorships Work
We have created several different ways you can help the work FIP is doing in the 10/40 Window. We have divided the monthly needs for each of our support church planting pastors and their families into three categories. This breakdown will allow anyone to actively give to the church planting work ongoing on the 10/40 window. Each of these categories is listed below. For those looking to fully support a church planting pastor and their family each month, we have combined sponsorships based on the country where the work is occurring.
Your sponsorship will help further the Gospelin some of the most unreachedplaces of the world.
1. Sponsor a Pastor & His Family
$85 is needed each month to support a church planting pastor and their family fully. This can also be broken down between two giving partners, one at $35 monthly and the other at $50 monthly. These funds will be used for family needs such as food, shelter, clothing, and medicine.

2. Sponsor Outreach Ministries
$50 is needed each month for outreach and evangelism activities. These funds are used for outreach evangelism and church planting in areas beyond the pastor’s own village.
3. Sponsor Ongoing Training
$15 per month is needed for continued training. All national church planters approved for assistance by FIP have already been trained for ministry (II Tim. 2:2), but these funds will help with the ongoing training opportunities offered monthly.

Can I support all three?
Any combination of the above sponsorships can be made such as:
Specific Needs
There are also one-time needs for each of our Pastors and their families. A few of the common needs are listed below.
Bibles and/or SD Bible Chips
Toward Native Language Bibles and/or SD Bible Chips for Cell Phones and MP3s for New Converts
Church Building Projects
Toward FIP indigenous church-planters
Toward FIP indigenous church-planters
Toward injuries, severe illnesses & surgeries for FIP indigenous missionary families ONLY
Food Crisis
Toward hunger needs caused by WAR, floods and other natural disasters
Toward motorbikes for indigenous church-planters: i,e. $1,200 each for 110cc Hondas w/lock and chain
Orphanage Needs
Toward Food, Clothing, Toiletries, additional Toilets/Bath Houses
Ways to give toward specific needs
1. Give by check - please make your checks payable to FAITH INTERNATIONAL PARTNERS and send them to:
P.O. Box 1141, Goodlettsville, TN 37070-1141
2. PayPal -
3. Zelle -
All partners will receive a pastor profile book containing their pastor’s picture and family information so that prayer can be more personal and effective. Partners may also visit their pastor or correspond with him through the FIP office. Translation will be done as needed. Monthly vouchers are included in the book with the pastor’s name and accounting number so that funds will be designated for the proper person.